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Description In Brain Dead 13, the player takes on the role of a young computer expert who one day is called to fix a computer at some scary castle and in no time flat, finds himself in trouble. It is up to the player to use the complex moves of an interactive movie to escape from the castle. This animated adventure is basically based on the player's judgment on which direction you think the Brain Dead 13 is an interactive movie video game developed and originally published in North America by ReadySoft on 15 December 1995 and in Europe by Empire Interactive on the same year for the MS-DOS.Unlike Dragon's Lair and Space Ace, which began as laserdisc arcade games, it was only released for personal computers and video game consoles.In the game, players assume the role of young 分享|2021 輕鬆下載多平台遊戲 roms:任天堂、sony、sega、nec、街機、懷舊系列 全能模擬器 , 遊戲模擬器 RetroArch v1.9.0 – 2021 新版教學! 华军软件园PC模拟器频道,为您提供SSF下载、SSF绿色版等PC模拟器软件下载。更多SSF0.12prototype繁体版历史版本,请到华军软件园!